The MLL Goalie Highlight Video is Mesmerizing and Frustrating All at Once

By Jason Felts
Earlier this week, the MLL released their top saves compilation, and I have some thoughts. For starters, anyone who thinks the PLL took the best players in lacrosse has just not been paying attention. Guys like Dillon Ward and Sean Sconone can save shots from anyone on earth, as shown above.
Secondly, as a coach and as a former attackman who took… a lot of shots, this is so frustrating to watch. I love the excitement of a huge save, and clearly this is the best of the best making it look easy, but some of these guys have to finish their dinner. The first clip in this supercut is insane. Three doorstep attempts, three huge saves. I know these guys are pros and they should be saving some of these, but woof. Give me a chance out there to beat any one of these goalies, and I can guarantee you that my step down shot would miss the net by 10 yards, which doesn’t result in a save for the goalie.
With that being said, I’m still a free agent. Ball is in your court, MLL.
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