A Complete Guide on How to Tape a Lacrosse Stick

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Tape plays a vital role in the world of lacrosse. The first role tape has is holding the rubber butt-end onto the shaft, securing it in place so you don't pull it off while shooting or passing. Tape also gives the player extra grip in key areas of the shaft, the top of the shaft for faceoffs or the bottom for shooting. Additionally, tape gives the player an extra way to personalize their stick with designs such as a candy cane, criss cross, or covering the shaft from end-to-end.
Lacrosse Stick Tape Rules
- Tape can not touch the head of the stick, however goalies can have tape on the head of their sticks.
- Faceoff players must have tape on their sticks. The tape needs to be a contrasting color from the head, shaft, and gloves, so if you have a white shaft, head, and gloves the tape can be any color except white. The tape must start near, but not touch, the throat of the head and continue six inches down the shaft.
Taping a lacrosse stick is all about customization and functionality. Some players may prefer the criss cross technique while others desire the classic look, there is no right or wrong way to tape a lacrosse stick. Check out the three different ways we like to tape sticks below!
The Candy Cane
- Standard rolls of tape are 3 cm wide, which is way too big for this tape job. Start by tearing your tape into two parts, one being 1 cm wide and the other 2 cm wide.
- Start by taking the 1cm wide section and tape over the butt-end overlapping onto the shaft to secure it in place.
Using the same strip of tape, angle the tape by 45° and work up the shaft. - When you’ve gotten to your desired height, rotate the tape 90°, wrap a small ring around the shaft, and tear off the tape to secure the candy cane in place.
- Enjoy your new candy cane tape job!
The Criss Cross
- Starting with step 4 of the candy cane tape method, secure the tape in place by wrapping a ring around the shaft.
- Rotate the tape 45° and work back down the shaft, crossing over the first candy cane.
- When you’ve gotten back to the butt-end, rotate the tape 90°, wrap a small ring around the shaft, and tear off the tape to secure the crisscross in place.
- Cross up the defense with your new crisscross tape job!
The Classic
- Start at the butt-end and wrap the shaft going towards the head, overlapping the tape just a little to leave no gaps.
- Wrap the shaft as far as you want, some players only do ¼ of the shaft, others wrap the entire shaft.
- When you’ve gotten to your desired height, rotate the tape 90°, wrap a ring around the shaft, and tear off the tape to secure everything in place.Enjoy
- your new tape job!
Several brands make great lacrosse tape, some come in fun colors while others offer a different feel. Since tape is all about player preference there is not a definitive best lacrosse tape, but we’ve listed some of our favorites below!
StringKing Tape
StringKing is known for their mesh and heads that offer nearly unlimited stringing options, and they’ve brought the same concept to their line of tape. StringKing tape comes pre-cut in 1 cm and 2 cm parts, giving the player an ideal way to customize their stick however they want. The tape offers a slightly rough texture for optimal grip in key moments.
Renfrew Colored Cloth Tape
Renfrew is a premium tape manufacturer for hockey and lacrosse. They have provided premium cloth tape since the 1980’s and are relied on by many pro players. Renfrew’s tape is moisture-resistant and comes in multiple colors to match any team.
Lizard Skins DSP Grip Tape
Lizard Skins is known for its high-quality grip tape. Unlike normal cloth tape, Lizard Skins’ DSP Grip Tape is a polymer-based tape that offers a weather-proof rubberized feel. Due to its superior grip, DSP Grip Tape is often chosen by elite faceoff players that need more grip than normal tape provides.
Lacrosse Tape FAQs
What is the most popular lacrosse tape job style?
Due to its simplicity, the classic tape job is the most popular tape style used by many players.
Can hockey tape be used for lacrosse?
Yes, hockey tape can be used for lacrosse. Renfrew offers both lacrosse and hockey tape and they only differ in width, not material.
How do you get tape off a lacrosse stick?
Unwrapping the shaft in reverse order is the best way to remove tape from a lacrosse shaft. Using warm soapy water can help loosen stubborn adhesive that won’t let go.
How do you tape a girls lacrosse stick?
Taping a girls stick is the exact same as taping a boys stick, all three of our favorite styles will work for girls lacrosse too!
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