Fastest lacrosse shot

Lacrosse is the fastest sport on two feet, but a professional lacrosse player’s shot is even faster. Shot speed is an important factor on if a goal is scored or not, from 10 yards away there is a big difference between an 80 mph and 100 mph shot. Technique, strength and technology all play a vital role in how fast a player can shoot the ball. 

In this article, we’ll cover:

The shooting mechanics of a player have a huge impact on how fast and accurate the shot will be. Having your hands in the right spot, taking a big step, and rotating your torso to create torque are the building blocks of an elite shooter. Of course technique alone will not grant every player the ability to shoot 100+ mph. A player's physical strength and lacrosse stick setup will have an impact as well.

Introducing Nick Diegal, the current record holder for the fastest shot. Located at the 2020 annual lacrosse convention in Philadelphia, the stage was set for Nick to break the record for the fastest shot. Using an STX Ultra Power on an STX Fiber shaft, Nick shot a mind-blowing 127 mph! More than 10 mph faster than the previous record of 116 mph.

Paul Rabil brought light to the fastest shot record when he broke it in 2010 by shooting 111 mph. Paul made the fastest shot popular and this led to it being featured in the MLL All Star event and the annual lacrosse convention. In 2014 Zack Dorn, a non-professional player, got invited to the MLL All Star event where he shot a ball 116 mph, shattering Paul’s record. Zack opened the door for non-professionals to compete for the fastest shot, which eventually led Nick Diegal to compete as well.

Challenges measuring shot speed include distance from the goal, quality of the radar gun, and the accuracy of the shooter. Distance from the goal can have a factor on the recorded speed based on how far away the shooter is from the goal. Quality of the radar gun and accuracy of the shooter work together to provide a good reading. The higher quality radar guns require less accuracy from the shooter. World record attempts use the same conditions to host a fair environment for all competitors.

Torque is the key factor in increasing shot speed. To create torque a player needs to have their hands in the proper position on the lacrosse shaft, have their arms up and away from their body, and rotate their torso through the shot to unleash the fastest shot they can.

Since a player uses their entire body to shoot, proper training to increase upper and lower body strength is necessary to achieve higher speeds. Technology such as high-speed cameras can assist in the analysis of the player's shot and allow the player to adjust their technique where needed.

Technology in lacrosse is always advancing not only the lacrosse heads and shafts, but the ball itself too. While shafts are getting lighter and more flexible, heads are getting more durable and accurate. This creates a lethal combination for elite players to be pushing 100 mph shot speed on in-game shots. Adding on that lacrosse balls are getting more texture and grip, we should see a player take the crown for fastest shot in the next couple years.

Can the current fastest shot record be broken? Absolutely. With players training harder than ever before and teams utilizing high-power shooters, the record will definitely be beaten. With players looking to shoot faster, demand for shafts that are lightweight and provide explosive torque are going up. Companies such as Epoch and True Temper utilize carbon fiber that flexes when a player shoots, allowing the player to put even more force behind their shots.

Nick Diegal has done something that no one thought was possible, shooting a lacrosse ball over 125 mph. However, now that this has been done players are training harder than ever to beat Nick’s record. Combined with shaft technology constantly improving to assist in higher shot speeds, there is no doubt the record can be beaten. Keep training, keep looking for the newest advancements in shaft and head technology and maybe you’ll be the next Nick Diegal.

How fast can a man throw a lacrosse ball?

The world record for the fastest shot is 127 mph, but with advancements in shaft and head technology that record can be beat.

How fast is the average men's lacrosse shot?

The average men’s shot speed is 75-85 mph.

How do you get a fast shot in lacrosse?

Having proper technique is a great start, weight training and using the newest equipment will also help.

How fast can Paul Rabil shoot?

Paul Rabil’s fastest shot was clocked in at a whopping 111 mph!